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Dedicate to Molly.
这里提到一个锁获取的公平性问题,如果在绝对时间上,先对锁进行获取的请求一定被先满足,那么这个锁是公平的,反之,是不公平的,也就是说等待时间最长的线程最有机会获取锁,也可以说锁的获取是有序的。ReentrantLock这个锁提供了一个构造函数,能够控制这个锁是否是公平的。 而锁的名字也是说明了这个锁具备了重复进入的可能,也就是说能够让当前线程多次的进行对锁的获取操作,这样的最大次数限制是Integer.MAX_VALUE,约21亿次左右。 事实上公平的锁机制往往没有非公平的效率高,因为公平的获取锁没有考虑到操作系统对线程的调度因素,这样造成JVM对于等待中的线程调度次序和操作系统对线程的调度之间的不匹配。对于锁的快速且重复的获取过程中,连续获取的概率是非常高的,而公平锁会压制这种情况,虽然公平性得以保障,但是响应比却下降了,但是并不是任何场景都是以TPS作为唯一指标的,因为公平锁能够减少“饥饿”发生的概率,等待越久的请求越是能够得到优先满足。在ReentrantLock中,对于公平和非公平的定义是通过对同步器AbstractQueuedSynchronizer的扩展加以实现的,也就是在tryAcquire的实现上做了语义的控制。
01 | final boolean nonfairTryAcquire( int acquires) { |
02 | final Thread current = Thread.currentThread(); |
03 | int c = getState(); |
04 | if (c == 0 ) { |
05 | if (compareAndSetState( 0 , acquires)) { |
06 | setExclusiveOwnerThread(current); |
07 | return true ; |
08 | } |
09 | } else if (current == getExclusiveOwnerThread()) { |
10 | int nextc = c + acquires; |
11 | if (nextc < 0 ) // overflow |
12 | throw new Error( "Maximum lock count exceeded" ); |
13 | setState(nextc); |
14 | return true ; |
15 | } |
16 | return false ; |
17 | } |
01 | protected final boolean tryAcquire( int acquires) { |
02 | final Thread current = Thread.currentThread(); |
03 | int c = getState(); |
04 | if (c == 0 ) { |
05 | if (!hasQueuedPredecessors() && compareAndSetState( 0 , acquires)) { |
06 | setExclusiveOwnerThread(current); |
07 | return true ; |
08 | } |
09 | } else if (current == getExclusiveOwnerThread()) { |
10 | int nextc = c + acquires; |
11 | if (nextc < 0 ) |
12 | throw new Error( "Maximum lock count exceeded" ); |
13 | setState(nextc); |
14 | return true ; |
15 | } |
16 | return false ; |
17 | } |
01 | protected final boolean tryRelease( int releases) { |
02 | int c = getState() - releases; |
03 | if (Thread.currentThread() != getExclusiveOwnerThread()) |
04 | throw new IllegalMonitorStateException(); |
05 | boolean free = false ; |
06 | if (c == 0 ) { |
07 | free = true ; |
08 | setExclusiveOwnerThread( null ); |
09 | } |
10 | setState(c); |
11 | return free; |
12 | } |
下面将主要的笔墨放在公平性和非公平性上,首先看一下二者测试的对比: 测试用例如下:01 | public class ReentrantLockTest { |
02 | private static Lock fairLock = new ReentrantLock( true ); |
03 | private static Lock unfairLock = new ReentrantLock(); |
04 |
05 | @Test |
06 | public void fair() { |
07 | System.out.println( "fair version" ); |
08 | for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) { |
09 | Thread thread = new Thread( new Job(fairLock)); |
10 | thread.setName( "" + i); |
11 | thread.start(); |
12 | } |
13 |
14 | try { |
15 | Thread.sleep( 5000 ); |
16 | } catch (InterruptedException e) { |
17 | e.printStackTrace(); |
18 | } |
19 | } |
20 |
21 | @Test |
22 | public void unfair() { |
23 | System.out.println( "unfair version" ); |
24 | for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) { |
25 | Thread thread = new Thread( new Job(unfairLock)); |
26 | thread.setName( "" + i); |
27 | thread.start(); |
28 | } |
29 |
30 | try { |
31 | Thread.sleep( 5000 ); |
32 | } catch (InterruptedException e) { |
33 | e.printStackTrace(); |
34 | } |
35 | } |
36 |
37 | private static class Job implements Runnable { |
38 | private Lock lock; |
39 | public Job(Lock lock) { |
40 | this .lock = lock; |
41 | } |
42 |
43 | @Override |
44 | public void run() { |
45 | for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) { |
46 | lock.lock(); |
47 | try { |
48 | System.out.println( "Lock by:" |
49 | + Thread.currentThread().getName()); |
50 | } finally { |
51 | lock.unlock(); |
52 | } |
53 | } |
54 | } |
55 | } |
56 | } |
unfair version Lock by:0 Lock by:0 Lock by:2 Lock by:2 Lock by:2 Lock by:2 Lock by:2 Lock by:0 Lock by:0 Lock by:0 Lock by:1 Lock by:1 Lock by:1 调用公平的测试方法,返回结果: fair version Lock by:0 Lock by:1 Lock by:0 Lock by:2 Lock by:3 Lock by:4 Lock by:1 Lock by:0 Lock by:2 Lock by:3 Lock by:4 仔细观察返回的结果(其中每个数字代表一个线程),非公平的结果一个线程连续获取锁的情况非常多,而公平的结果连续获取的情况基本没有。那么在一个线程获取了锁的那一刻,究竟锁的公平性会导致锁有什么样的处理逻辑呢? 通过之前的同步器(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer)的介绍,在锁上是存在一个等待队列,sync队列,我们通过复写ReentrantLock的获取当前锁的sync队列,输出在ReentrantLock被获取时刻,当前的sync队列的状态。 修改测试如下:01 | public class ReentrantLockTest { |
02 | private static Lock fairLock = new ReentrantLock2( true ); |
03 | private static Lock unfairLock = new ReentrantLock2(); |
04 | @Test |
05 | public void fair() { |
06 | System.out.println( "fair version" ); |
07 | for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) { |
08 | Thread thread = new Thread( new Job(fairLock)) { |
09 | public String toString() { |
10 | return getName(); |
11 | } |
12 | }; |
13 | thread.setName( "" + i); |
14 | thread.start(); |
15 | } |
16 | // sleep 5000ms |
17 | } |
18 |
19 | @Test |
20 | public void unfair() { |
21 | System.out.println( "unfair version" ); |
22 | for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) { |
23 | Thread thread = new Thread( new Job(unfairLock)) { |
24 | public String toString() { |
25 | return getName(); |
26 | } |
27 | }; |
28 | thread.setName( "" + i); |
29 | thread.start(); |
30 | } |
31 | // sleep 5000ms |
32 | } |
33 |
34 | private static class Job implements Runnable { |
35 | private Lock lock; |
36 |
37 | public Job(Lock lock) { |
38 | this .lock = lock; |
39 | } |
40 |
41 | @Override |
42 | public void run() { |
43 | for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) { |
44 | lock.lock(); |
45 | try { |
46 | System.out.println( "Lock by:" |
47 | + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " and " |
48 | + ((ReentrantLock2) lock).getQueuedThreads() |
49 | + " waits." ); |
50 | } finally { |
51 | lock.unlock(); |
52 | } |
53 | } |
54 | } |
55 | } |
56 |
57 | private static class ReentrantLock2 extends ReentrantLock { |
58 | // Constructor Override |
59 |
60 | private static final long serialVersionUID = 1773716895097002072L; |
61 |
62 | public Collection<Thread> getQueuedThreads() { |
63 | return super .getQueuedThreads(); |
64 | } |
65 | } |
66 | } |
调用非公平方法,返回结果: unfair version Lock by:0 and [] waits. Lock by:0 and [] waits. Lock by:3 and [2, 1] waits. Lock by:3 and [4, 2, 1] waits. Lock by:3 and [4, 2, 1] waits. Lock by:3 and [0, 4, 2, 1] waits. Lock by:3 and [0, 4, 2, 1] waits. Lock by:1 and [0, 4, 2] waits. Lock by:1 and [0, 4, 2] waits. 调用公平方法,返回结果: fair version Lock by:0 and [] waits. Lock by:1 and [0, 4, 3, 2] waits. Lock by:2 and [1, 0, 4, 3] waits. Lock by:3 and [2, 1, 0, 4] waits. Lock by:4 and [3, 2, 1, 0] waits. Lock by:0 and [4, 3, 2, 1] waits. Lock by:1 and [0, 4, 3, 2] waits. Lock by:2 and [1, 0, 4, 3] waits. 可以明显看出,在非公平获取的过程中,“插队”现象非常严重,后续获取锁的线程根本不顾及sync队列中等待的线程,而是能获取就获取。反观公平获取的过程,锁的获取就类似线性化的,每次都由sync队列中等待最长的线程(链表的第一个,sync队列是由尾部结点添加,当前输出的sync队列是逆序输出)获取锁。一个 hasQueuedPredecessors方法能够获得公平性的特性,这点实际上是由AbstractQueuedSynchronizer来完成的,看一下acquire方法:1 | public final void acquire( int arg) { |
2 | if (!tryAcquire(arg) && acquireQueued(addWaiter(Node.EXCLUSIVE), arg)) |
3 | selfInterrupt(); |
4 | } |
非公平的,或者说默认的获取方式如下图所示: 对于状态的获取,可以快速的通过tryAcquire的成功,也就是黄色的Fast路线,也可以由于tryAcquire的失败,构造节点,进入sync队列中排序后再次获取。因此可以理解为Fast就是一个快速通道,当例子中的线程释放锁之后,快速的通过Fast通道再次获取锁,就算当前sync队列中有排队等待的线程也会被忽略。这种模式,可以保证进入和退出锁的吞吐量,但是sync队列中过早排队的线程会一直处于阻塞状态,造成“饥饿”场景。 而公平性锁,就是在tryAcquire的调用中顾及当前sync队列中的等待节点(废弃了Fast通道),也就是任意请求都需要按照sync队列中既有的顺序进行,先到先得。这样很好的确保了公平性,但是可以从结果中看到,吞吐量就没有非公平的锁高了。转载地址:http://zoybx.baihongyu.com/